UCB's Global Corporate Website

Transparency: supporting responsible data sharing

Posted by
Judy Bryson, UCB Biosciences - Immunology TA
At UCB, we believe in transparency. We strive for openness while remaining committed to preserving patient privacy.

When it comes to clinical trial data, we want to work with researchers, academics, patients, regulators and industry partners to ensure that information is shared in a manner that is responsible and will advance public health.

We have been working with the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) and its members to facilitate data sharing.

For example, last December we joined with two other companies to host a webinar where we discussed the steps to be taken towards implementing the principles of responsible clinical trial data sharing.

This summer, we will publish an extensive list on our website of UCB-sponsored clinical trials.

To facilitate the scientific community’s use of clinical trial data, we are updating our processes and systems. The system, which should be online by the end of this year, will allow researchers to request access to clinical trial data and clinical study reports containing information which has been anonymised in order to protect patient privacy.

Requests from scientific researchers will be evaluated by a panel of independent experts. Once approved, the researchers will be able to access clinical data and study reports via the platform.

We see our work in this area as part of a broad trend towards maximising openness. If managed in a responsible way, this trend has the potential to accelerate progress in drug development and healthcare.

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